The Outreach, Leadership & Empowerment (OLE) at LAU aims at fostering holistic student empowerment. Through specific leadership and outreach programs, OLE aims to equip students with essential skills, promoting resilience and inclusive leadership. It fosters a diverse and inclusive campus environment and provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. It encourages students to broaden their horizons both within and outside Lebanon through leadership training, skills development, and volunteering opportunities.
OLE prepares students for their future roles as global citizens and ethical leaders. Its main objective is to have students equipped with needed skills and tools to thrive both personally and professionally.
How will OLE transform my experience?
You will be exposed to like-minded people in Lebanon and beyond.
You will develop essential soft skills such as leadership, communication, conflict-resolution, team-work and resilience.
You will grow your life-knowledge beyond academics, through volunteerism, local and international conferences, as well as seminars and training.
You will benefit from OLE’s 10+ years of experience in offering unique programs and opportunities that will match your interests and challenge your givens